QtoJAPON | Studying in Japan _ Japanese culture


  • Inquiry

“QtoJAPON (Kyuto Japon)” is

For today’s foreign individuals who still love Japan, And to ensure that Japan’s charm continues tomorrow,

The trademark of “Qto Japon Inc.” is “QtoJAPON .” “Qto” is an abbreviation for “quest to” in English, which means “a quest to.” Additionally, by reading “Qto” as “キュート” (cute), it plays on the meaning of “CUTE.” “Japon” is the word for “Japan” in non-English regions such as the French-speaking and Spanish-speaking areas. The name “QtoJAPON” encapsulates the desire for people worldwide to explore the charm of Japan and become fans. “QtoJAPON Inc.” aims to transform the feelings and actions of foreign individuals who love Japan into a driving force for the continuation and development of Japan. That is the aspiration of the company.

1. Japan Culture (Cultural) Information Dissemination Business:

Engaging in information dissemination and experiential planning and operations related to Japan’s traditional culture, anime, food, sweets, entertainment, fashion, and tourism for foreign individuals.

2. Business for Foreign Students Studying in Japan and University/Graduate School/Specialized School Advancement Fairs:

For foreign individuals who wish to study in Japan, as well as those already studying in Japan and enrolled in Japanese language schools, We plan and operate “University/Graduate School Advancement Fairs” and “Specialized School Advancement Fairs” to introduce exceptional Japanese schools. Additionally, we provide consulting services for student recruitment through advertisements, promotional materials, and consulting.