QtoJAPON | Studying in Japan _ Japanese culture


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【QtoJAPON49】Let’s go Kyoto

Enjoy the spring breeze and
Let yourself be taken away to Nara, Kyoto, and Ine.

Although it is hard to estimate the first blooming of cherry blossom, the editorial team of QtoJAPON made a perfect guess this year! The photography session at Nara and Kyoto under the warm sun and surrounded by fully-bloomed cherry blossom was a success! When you say Nara, the first few things that come to mind are the Great Buddha and deer. Even when they were full after snacking on the rice crackers fed by visitors, the herd of deer continued munching on the petals of cherry blossom on the ground as if they were eating salad. How adorable! Many of the famous places in Kyoto were packed with tourists from overseas.
We even saw more foreigners in kimono than Japanese people. It was tough walking to Fushimi Inari Taisha and it felt like mountain climbing. But it was an easy stroll from Kiyomizu-dera to Gion because we only had to walk downhill. During this trip, we were able to see and feel the beauty of spring in Japan from the petals of cherry blossom floating on top of the clear river at Gion Shirakawa and the flurry of cherry blossoms at Hozukawa-kudari between Kameoka dan Arashiyama.

The cherry blossom at Tōdai-ji and tourists.
Kiyomizu Stage will be under repair until 2021.
The cherry blossom at Ine.
Weeping cherry at Daikaku-ji.

The beauty of valley of Kyoto, Hozugawa-kudari

Foreigners wearing kimono is not a rare sight anymore (Nearby Gion, Yasaka Shrine)

The three-story pagoda at Kiyomizu-dera.
Deers at Nara Park.
The scenery at Gion.
Senbon Torii (Thousand Torii gateways) at Fushimi Inari Taisha

The closest lifestyle to the sea in Japan.
Ine-chō, Kyoto by the Sea.

Ine, Kyoto (Preservation District for Groups of Historic Buildings)
Sea of Japan always have the impression of being a rough sea. However, thanks to the ria coast at Wakasa Bay and Aoshima, an island at the entrance of Ine Bay which acts as a breakwater, the water within the bay is always calm throughout the year. And because of that, it is not a problem to have houses so near to the sea. You can see plenty of funaya houses stand in a row along the coastline. The first floor is used as boat garage while the second floor is a living space with a pleasant outlook of the sea from the window.
This scenery spread throughout the area and you can enjoy the view either through an excursion boat that brings you around Ine Bay or by driving a rental car along the coastline. Here, you can find a different lifestyle which is rare even in Japan as well as delicious seafood. Not only that, there is also a town which share the oldest urban legend in Japan called the story of Urashima Taro. Who knows, maybe you will find the Dragon Palace nearby.

The scenery at Ine (view of sea outside the window)
The funaya in Ine
 The fish at Ine, sardine captured at Ine
Kyoto by sea

The local sake of Ine, “Kyo no Haru” (by Mukaishuzo)

The local cuisine of Ine, “Heshiko no Chazuke” ※ Heshiko = the traditional cuisine of pickled mackerel in sake lees from Wakasa Bay, Tango Peninsula


Ine Tourism Association

Ine, Yosa District, Kyoto, Japan 〒626-0493

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